Friday, October 13, 2006



kostas said...

Excellent light and shadows!

arturcampos said...

thank you.

Annie said...

Some of these pictures just took my breath away, they are so beautiful.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

beautiful photos! Were they at sunrise or at sunset?

Anonymous said...

Makes me just want to head for the beach for a late evening stroll.. superb. Well done!

arturcampos said...

to annie:thank you for the comment, I guess that I am lucky for living close to the sea.
to j.Andrew Lockhart:thanks,this fotos were taken at sunset.
to John:enjoy it...thanks.

Nuno Andre Catarino said...

Parabens pelas fotos.... estao magnificas.

venho convidá-lo a visitar o meu recentemente inaugurado

de cariz semelhante, e com algumas fotos da foz quase iguais.

Acrescentado hoje aos meus favoritos!

boas fotos.